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This adhesive transfer tape on a roll consists of random oriented polyester fibers, in a pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive. Thin and very conformable. Aggressive and will adhere well to a wide variety of materials. May be sterilized with all common sterilization techniques. May be used for health care medical devices.
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3M™ Medical Materials and Technologies helps health care manufacturers design and build more reliable, innovative and feature-rich medical devices. Customers leverage 3M™ technical expertise to select materials and technologies that integrate together for their break-through medical industry, device innovations designed for improving or enhancing lives.


3M ID (Stock Number)

7010510459 7010510460 7010510461 7010510462 7010510463 7010510465 7010510466 7010510467 7010510468 7010510469 7010510711 7010510712 7010510713 7010510714 7010510715 7010510716 7010510953 7010510954 7010510955 7010510956 7010510957 7010510958 7010510959 7010510960 7010536104 7010536105 7010536106 7100013768 7100183938 7100216927

Legacy (Stock Number)

70000005820 CY998756209 CY998756217 CY998756225 CY998756233 CY998756241 CY998756266 CY998756274 CY998756282 CY998756290 CY998756308 CY998758809 CY998758817 CY998758825 CY998758833 CY998758841 CY998758858 CY998762579 CY998762587 CY998762595 CY998762603 CY998762611 CY998762629 CY998762637 CY998762645 CY998788665 CY998788673 CY998788681 UU009725761 UU010841029

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ECCN Number


Product Details

Product Details

3M™ 1524 Fiber Filled Polyester Adhesive Transfer Tape 3M™ Medical Transfer Adhesive 1524, Fiber Filled Polyester, 60# Liner, 144 yds, 3 inch Fiber 3M™ Medical Transfer Adhesive 1524, Fiber Filled Polyester, 60# Liner, 200 yds, 3 inch Fiber 3M™ Medical Transfer Adhesive 1524, Fiber Filled Polyester, 60# Liner, 250 yds, 3 inch Fiber 3M™ Medical Transfer Adhesive 1524, Fiber Filled Polyester, 60# Liner, 350 yds, 3 inch Fiber 3M™ Medical Transfer Adhesive 1524, Fiber Filled Polyester, 60# Liner, Configurable



This product, including any article that the product is composed of, does not contain at greater than 0.1% by weight a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) substance identified according to Article 59 of REACH. This declaration reflects the substances on the candidate SVHC list, effective July 2019.



This product does not exceed the maximum concentration values (MCVs) for phthalates set under EU Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS recast/RoHS 2), as amended by EU 2015/863, which applies to finished EEE after July 22, 2019 for Category 1-7, 10-11 products and after July 22, 2021 for Category 8 and 9 products. This means that each of the homogeneous materials within this product does not exceed the MCV of 0.1% (by weight) for each of the following phthalates: DEHP, BBP, DBP, and DIBP.



  • Tackified Acrylic Adhesive
  • Fiber Reinforced
  • Aggressive Adhesion to Skin
  • Die cuttable for converting
  • Lamination